+387 62 612 612

Balkans Academic Study Tours

Pre-made and tailor made multi-day academic study tours, covering wider region of the Balkans, including: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo. Trips are perfectly crafted for high schools, colleges and universities, but also for anyone interested into deeper understanding of the Balkans.

All done with maximum attention to every detail and in/credible signature by Funky Tours!


"The Balkans produces more history than it can consume."


Attributed to Churchill, but probably of unknown origin, this quote beautifully sums up the vision and purpose of Funky Tours idea of study travels. Together we must properly “consume” Balkans history.

Trip Advisor Reviews

We used funky tours as part of an international school culture trip coming to experience the history of Bosnia. We were not just impressed but BLOWN away.

Study Trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina Walden School from USA
What a tour group!

Travelled from Rome on a school trip with 14 high school students for a week of learning about Bosnian history, culture, and exploration. From the beginning, Skender was incredibly communicative and helped us plan every single detail of our trip: day trips, guides, meals, hotels, transport, and other fun activities.

Bosnian Presidency House Meeting - Study Tour
A week-long school trip - incredible experience!

I was the leader of a school group who had a 5 day trip in BH. Skender helped arrange most aspects of our trip. He was quick, courteous and professional in his communication and organization.

Srebrenica Study Tour
Fantastic organization for all your needs in BH!

Contact Us NOW and organize your Balkan study trip


“Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”

-Will Durant

Since the very beginning, idea of the Funky Tours is to offer amazing and life-changing experiences. Experiences aimed to heavily exceed expectations and focus on the local stories of life.

Indeed, our work with academic community has always been the most challenging and the most rewarding too.

Over the past years, having the honor to host an amazing number of schools, colleges and universities from all around the world, on different study trips here in Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider area of Balkans, including Serbia and Croatia, we believe we have “perfected” this type of travel to a pure perfection.

Our partners such as American School in London, Loyola University, Johns Hopkins University, St. Stephen’s International School, Walden School of Liberal Arts, Young Pioneers and many others just prove that Funky Tours in unrivaled partner if you ever plan to conduct a study tour in the Balkans.

Quote by Will Durant beautifully explains Funky Tours vision behind “study tour” type of travel.

We dream zero prejudice.

Funky Tours Global Academic Partners
Funky Tours Global Academic Partners


“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

-Albert Einstein

Our study trips focus on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. Those three countries being so closely connected, but on the other hand so different, work best when combined together. Our trips are flexible and can be made as round trips or one way trips. Rest assured that we have a trip that will fit everyones needs and interests.

Balkan Study Tour Map by Funky Tours including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo.


“Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.”

-John Keats

Selection of study trip places, themes, topics and experiences we cover is diverse. Our storytelling breaks the prejudice, offers unbiased – factual stories, and offers in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Balkans.


Short selection of most important themes we explore together. In the Balkans today, everyone have their own understanding about the events which took place in the last millennia. Our goal is to hear them, explore them, see the facts and deduct our own conclusions.


Medieval & Ottoman & Habsburg Period

Learn about medieval Bosnian, Serbian and Croatian state, and see where is the origin of ethnic differences today. Add to the context the Kosovo battle in 1389 and Ottoman 400 year rule, things in Balkans spice up. Don’t forget the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and WW1.

Art & Culture

We explore the roots of the traditional and modern Balkans music. Special focus is on Bosnian Sevdalinka music, which is deeply rooted into Bosnian culture. Our guests are some of the most prominent Sevdah singers and authors. We bring the sound of the past into presence and define our cultural heritage.

Definitely we will not forget other aspects of Balkans Art & Culture heritage.

Yugoslavian Era

We will learn about difference between first and second Yugoslavia. In the same time we can’t forget the stories of WW2 and Tito’s partisan resistance against Nazi regime. You will learn about Četniks and Ustaše, and relativization of those events today.

Religion & Tolerance

Religion in the Balkans plays a key role when defining Ethnicity. We look into all aspects of various religious groups, with special focus on Islam in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

We’ll explore how and where Christianity, Judaism and Islam meet up and how they manage to coexist over the past centuries.

Are the Balkans heading towards the religious radicalism or religion in general is loosing grounds today?


Siege of Sarajevo

Stories of Death of Yugoslavia, War Crimes, Siege of Sarajevo & Mostar, Srebrenica Genocide, NATO bombings and many other, backed up with personal stories of war veterans and war survivors puts the era of Balkans during 1990ies into whole new context.

Bosnian Genocide

We go deep into understanding the reasons and facts of Srebrenica Genocide as European soil greatest Genocide since the WW2. How come Srebrenica is the only Genocide in the World which happened in the UN safe heaven? We will meet the survivors and hear their stories of life.

Croatian Homeland War

Among Croats it is referred as “Homeland war”, while among Serbian people refer to those events as “Ethnic cleansing”. We will try to see why the same events have totally opposite perception and “facts”.

Bombing of Dubrovnik and Siege of Vukovar are stories you can’t miss out.

NATO Bombings

NATO bombings in Bosnia 1995 and in Serbia 1998, have led to end of Balkan wars. We will explore different perspectives of those events and what do they mean to Bosnians (Bosniaks) and Serbian people in general.

Kosovo War

Explore the story about the last big 1990ies war on Yugoslavian soil, War at Kosovo. Learn why most of the coutries consider Kosovo fully independent country and why Serbia, Russia and few others don’t. Learn about the life at Kosovo today.

Denial & Acceptance

The last phase of Genocide is denial. Learn why today in the Balkans, “war” still goes on, discrimination and animosity continues. What about the life after Genocide? Why are convicted war criminals heroes today and why their victims don’t seem to live up to the justice?


International Relations

What are the relations between the Balkan countries today, people often ask. Well, to properly answer this question we have to take so many factors into account. That is what we love to do.

Bosnian Political System

Just by knowing that Bosnia and Herzegovina has the Worlds most complicated political system, opens us many questions that need to be answered. Country with three presidents, 14 different governments and 3 constituent nations sounds complicated, does it?

Peace & Reconciliation

We explore the war after-math and try to see how well and how far the peace processes have gone by now. We focus on the events which took place in the last 30 years.

Communism vs Capitalism

Learn about how people today feel about Yugoslavia, Tito and idea of “brotherhood and unity”. Was Tito a hero or dictator? Why Yugoslavia was considered the most reformed socialist economy? How come Yugoslavia was the only Communist regime capable of falling out with the Soviet Union?

Ethnicity & Constituency

Yugoslavia with over 22 million people, was a home to 4 different religions and 5 different nations. Have you ever heard of “Muslim” nationality or Constituent Nation? In-depth we elaborate these terms.


List of Balkan places we cover on our study trips. This list is just orientational and can be extended according to group needs



Yellow Bastion view on Sarajevo, overlooking Sarajevo Old Town and Vijecnica - City Hall

Learn the story of real European Jerusalem, by visiting Sarajevo’s mosques, churches and synagogues. Walk the steps of Gavrilo Princip at the moment of assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Learn the story about modern world longest Siege by visiting Sarajevo Tunnel museum and famous Olympic bobsled. Try Bosnian food, hear Bosnian music and get lost in the timelessness.


Mostar Old Bridge in the evening

At Mostar learn the meaning of divided city. Get to know the perspectives of two different sides during the Siege of Mostar, and how those differences affect the life today. Learn about the Old Bridge – it’s creation, fall and rise. Enjoy the local food and amazing Herzegovinian wines.

Banja Luka

Second largest town in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is perfect opportunity to enjoy river Vrbas and Kastel fort, but in the same time learn the story of tripartite nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina.



Zagreb Capital of Croatia

At Croatian capital explore the story of Homeland War and understand the Croatian perspective of Fall of Yugoslavia. Compare the Yugoslavian socialism with story of EU, as Croatia since 2013, is EU member.

Visit Museum of Broken Relationships or visit UNESCO site of Plitvice Lakes.


Dubrovnik Old Town - Croatia

The pearl of Adriatic, Dubrovnik is Balkans most popular tourist site. Learn about state of Ragusa and how Dubrovnik people mastered the art of negotiation through last millennium. Walk the Dubrovnik old walls and hear the story of city bombings during the 1991 and Croatian Homeland War.

Enjoy the Adriatic sea, eat some great sea food and taste the best of Croatian wines.


Split - Croatia - Pedestrian Area and Diocletian Palace

Explore the Roman heritage at Diocletian palace have a coffee and take a walk down the most beautiful Adriatic sea pedestrian road, famously called “Riva”. 



Belgrade Serbia

Former capital of Yugoslavia, today capital of Serbia, Belgrade is the largest city in the region and the only European capital with two major rivers – the Sava and the Danube. Get to know Serbian perspective of Fall of Yugoslavia, importance of Kosovo, role of Slobodan Milosevic and NATO bombings. Visit Tito’s burial ground, Museum of Yugoslavia, explore the “capital of Balkans nightlife” and taste some good food.

Novi Sad

Novi Sad Serbia

Just by saying that Novi Sad, is home to 26 different ethnic groups, and home to 6 officially spoken languages, spices things up. Adding up that Novi Sad is home to one of Europe’s largest music festivals, Exit festival, and in combination with unique history and architecture, makes the capital of autonomous region of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, a must see place on your visit to Serbia.



Pristina Kosovo

Explore the capital of Kosovo, famous Pristina. Learn the facts behind the importance of Kosovo in the present day as it youngest independent state in Europe. Learn more about Serbian – Albanian relations today.


To create an amazing study tour, we understand amazing itinerary has to be enriched with amazing experiences. Here is a short list of experiences Balkans as destination can offer.



Balkans peninsula is know for variety of hiking options. Bosnia by far has the greatest range of mountains available for amazing outdoor activities. Visit ancient Lukomir village and learn the nomad life. If you prefer easy or hard, Dinaric Alps we have it all.

Horseback Riding

Horseback Riding in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Either if you prefer wild nature horseback riding or you are beginner, we have it all. Imagine a trip to wild and remote ends of Bosnia and Herzegovina where you practice horseback riding with local family.


Balkans are full of amazing plains and mountain regions. Either if you are fan of easy city style of biking or maybe prefer the more amazing mountain biking, Balkans will not disappoint you. Have you ever heard of Ćiro biking trail or ever imagined to bike down the Olympic bobsled?


Yoga Retreats in Balkans

For any study tour anyone does anywhere, Yoga class is a must do. Balkans with its nature and cultural potential is amazing opportunity for great yoga experience.


Jahorina Skiing near Sarajevo

Home of the 1984 Olympic Games, mountains around Sarajevo, Jahorina and Bjelasnica offer some of the most amazing ski slopes in whole of South Eastern Europe. Everything at an increment of price of the West European ski resorts.


Snowshoeing in Bosnia at Bjelašnica near Umoljani

Dinaric Alps offer amazing amount of snowfall during every winter. If you are fan of pleasant walking in the snow and soaking up the beauty of the Balkan mountains, snowshoeing style of outdoor adventure is right thing for you.


Tara River Rafting

National Geographic in 2012 listed Bosnia and Herzegovina as the most amazing destination for white water rafting. Having 5 amazing rivers, your rafting options are limitless.


Most of the Balkans National Parks, Nature Parks or general nature areas have no limit on camping, meaning you get to enjoy the most beautiful nature areas without any jam or hassle at all. Maximum safety and enjoyment at your palm.


Life Under the Siege

Sarajevo War Tunnel was dug in July 1993 and used to be main supply route to Sarajevo during the Siege

Imagine a 4 years of life spent in the basement. Imagine a place where on average daily, more 330 bombs fall down. Imagine a life priced at only 5 liter of drinkable water. Imagine witnessing loss of your closest friends and family members. You can’t imagine life during the siege, but you can hear it from those who have lived it.

Life After Genocide

Srebrenica Study Tour

By understanding the story of Fall of Yugoslavia, visiting Srebrenica town, Srebrenica Memorial Centre and meeting the Srebrenica Genocide survivors, you get to know the full context of Genocide and life after Genocide. Funky Tours goal is to put these terms into understandable context.

Childhood In War

In this photo taken on April 22, 1996 a young boy plays on a tank in the Sarajevo neighbourhood of Grbavica.

What does childhood in war mean to you? Does it mean going to school everyday? Does it mean playing outside whenever you can? Does it mean you visit your friends whenever you can? Does it mean you have sweets and fruits anytime you want? How fast do you you shift from a child to a man? Our guides and guest speakers will respond to these questions.

Teenage Soldier

Hear the story of the 16 year old boy who participated in resistance during the Siege of Sarajevo, and learn how he deals with life reality today.

Why I consider leaving my country?

Balkans brain drain

Do you know that the Balkan countries have one the biggest brain drain in whole World? What are the reasons that make people leave their homelands? Are those lack of employment, unstable political tensions, ethnic animosity, wounds of the past, possible wars in future, nepotism and corruption?



Bosnian Food Cooking Lessons

If you are fan of Balkans local food, our cooking classes of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian food will be the highlight of your Balkans journey.


Culture of Balkan Slav people is heavily defined by the music we play. Attend our amazing Bosnian Sevdah music workshop, understand the origin of the traditional sounds and learn to play few notes.


Woodcarving craft is an art deeply rooted in the DNA of the Balkans people. Even though heavily evolved, this art today still finds it’s purpose and survives industrialization till the day. We will teach you how it’s done.


Weaving in Bosnia

Traditional arts and crafts of weaving, embroidery and knitting are still largely represented industries throughout the Balkans. If you are interested to learn or see these centuries old techniques, Balkans are place to be.


Coppersmith Workshop in Sarajevo

Is there better way to bring a souvenir home, then to make it yourself with local technique, present in Balkans over 500 years already now? No there is not, and our coppersmith workshop will help you enjoy that experience.


Pottery Art in Bosnia and Herzegovina

If you would like to understand how old pottery techniques in the Balkans are still today finding its purpose in the modern world, join us for a pottery workshop, make your own pot and learn about entrepreneurship.


“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.”

-Victor Hugo

To create amazing products, we require that all study tour aspects match our philosophy. Our tour guides & guest speakers, accommodation, transportation, liability, safety, tasty local food or great fun are all mirror of our philosophy too.

Tour Guides & Guest Speakers

The most important asset of our tours and study trips are our people: our staff, our guides and our guest speakers.

Funky Tours philosophy is to deliver completely unbiased and factual stories, and to fully engage with our guests.

Our people are Sarajevo Siege, Srebrenica Genocide and other Balkan wars survivors. Individuals who made precedent in global law, and others who have changed the world in many, many different ways. Our speakers are well established within the field of their expertise.

Our list of guest speakers is never ending and is constantly being updated.

Meeting with Hasan Nuhanovic - QA on Srebrenica Genocide
Meeting with Hasan Nuhanovic - QA on Srebrenica Genocide


As a travel and transfer agency with maximum focus on guests safety and satisfaction, at Funky Tours we always chase excellence in our services.

Our fleet of 20+ vehicles ranging from 4 seater cars to 50 seater buses makes sure we can cater any group size.



  • Average age of our fleet of vehicles is under 2 years
  • Brand new cars (regularly serviced with an authorised service centre)
  • All our vehicles are insured (mandatory auto insurance, casco and passengers insurance)
  • Tyre of premium brands (all tyre are seasonally changed & adjusted to weather conditions)


  • Professional and experienced drivers
  • Internal procedures ensure that all drivers top of the industry
  • All our drivers have long term experience in passenger transfer industry
  • Our driver will always respect the traffic signs and speed limits
Our fleet of vans and buses
Our fleet of vans and buses


Depending on the group requests we always aim to provide transparent service. We never aim to maximize our earnings, instead we aim to exceed our guests expectations, and save their costs.

Either if you are looking for classy hostel, B&B or hotels of different star rating, we know the market.

On the other hand for adventure lovers, Balkans are crowded by amazing and yet unknown places for home stay, camping, staying in mountain huts or bivouacs, places completely off the beaten path – we know them as well.

Either if you want us to recommend you accommodation options or you prefer to book it on your own, we are happy to assist. Funky Tours only interest is to maximize our guests stay. 

Study Trip in Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Study Trip in Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina


“We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

-Anaïs Nin

The most important thing in the Balkans is not to fall under the trap of relativization and "biasness". Funky Tours guides and guest speakers are carefully chosen and are prominent within a field of their work. Our stories are unbiased and factual.

Contact Us NOW and organize your Balkan study trip

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